"In this action-packed thriller, Liam Neeson plays an insurance salesman, Michael, on his daily commute home, which quickly becomes anything but routine. After being contacted by a mysterious stranger, Michael is forced to uncover the identity of a hidden passenger on his train before the last stop. As he works against the clock to solve the puzzle, he realizes a deadly plan is unfolding and is unwittingly caught up in a criminal conspiracy. One that carries life and death stakes for himself and his fellow passengers.:
If you have seen a Liam Neeson film in the past decade (think Taken, Taken 2, Taken 3, Up all Night) and have enjoyed it, then this is the movie for you . It is action packed, full of drama and suspense, and keeps you entertained. The very beginning (first 5-10 minutes) is a little slow, but you forget about that once the action starts happening.
So as I mentioned, this is a typical Liam Neeson film and therefore is somewhat predictable. Neeson plays an ex-cop (of course), whose previous training and experiences come in handy when the action breaks out. I love Liam Neeson, but unfortunately he is starting to get up there in age. Even worse, he is starting to LOOK up there in age. So when he gets in fights with guys who are a good 20-30 years younger than him it does seem a little over the top and unbelievable, but I am willing to forgive it because it is kind of to be expected with this type of movie.
This movie is somewhat predictable - you can see things coming before they happen - but it still manages a few twists and surprises so that you don't feel it was a total waste of time.
Here's the long and short of it: If you are looking for depth, sophistication, thought provoking and fabulous acting, you will be disappointed. If you are looking for some fast pace action, over done fight scenes, predictable plot and general entertainment and fun, go see it. If you don't like any violence or foul language, steer clear. If you just want to escape for a few hours and have a good time, this is a great option.
Rating: 7/10 - worth the watch and it will be one I flip on for entertainment sake when it shows up on t.v.
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